However, this injection contains “gadolinium” a type of heavy metal with magnetic properties. In this case, Gena was given 3 injections in just 8 days’ time, and it was the reason why she got sick.
At first, doctors couldn’t find the real reason behind Gena’s problem. That’s when Norris realized that nothing was helping and something more serious was happening, and his wife was slowly slipping away from him. “I’ve got to get a hold of somebody.”

“I can take her anywhere in the world, I’m blessed enough to have the money to do that, but where do I take her?” Norris asked. So he called a doctor from Nevada. The moment he explained to the doctor what was happening to Gina, he simply said, “Get her here, right now, it’s critical.”
At that time, Chuck Norris dropped his career to be with her, which made the movie The Expendables 2 his last one. He didn’t leave her bedside for 5 months. As his wife recalls, “They were trying to stabilize my condition. My husband slept on the couch next to me and read 17 books. I can laugh now, but it wasn’t fun then.”