The Mandarin duck is truly an outstanding bird, often dubbed the most beautiful bird in the world. This title is well-earned, as these birds boast spectacular multi-colored plumage and a unique shape. They have an orange face, metallic blue forehead, brown neck, purple chest, bronze-colored sides, and a blue back with two orange ‘sails’.
Along with their stunning coat, Mandarin ducks feature a red bill, a white crescent over their eyes, and ‘whiskers’, making them conspicuous wherever they are.
Male and female Mandarin ducks differ in appearance. The female is duller than the male, with grey plumage, a white stripe running from her eyes, and a white-spotted breast.
These gorgeous ducks are native to East Asia, where they have a high population, but they can also be found in the UK and other parts of the world. The name “Mandarin” refers to their historical distribution. In the 20th century, Mandarins brought these birds from China, and some escaped to establish their own colonies.

Mandarin ducks regularly inhabit dense and shrubby areas, such as the edges of rivers, where females breed during the breeding season. Their diet mainly consists of plants and seeds, but they also feed on snails, insects, and small fish, depending on the season.
Although the population of Mandarin ducks has declined in recent years due to habitat loss, they are not currently listed as an endangered species.